Local Court Bench Book Update 117 published

Update 117, December 2015

Specific penalties and orders

Amendments have been made to the following Acts and Regulations:

  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000
  • Jury Act 1977 (eligibility and exemptions for jury service have been updated)
  • Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Regulation 2008 has been repealed and replaced by the 2015 Regulation
  • Passenger Transport Act 1990 has been re-added to the section
  • The PCA and the Other alcohol-related offences tables have been combined along with the Mandatory alcohol interlock program penalties.

General orders

[10-360] The timeframe for pre-sentence reports has been added in the Custodial sentences table.

Proceedings under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009

[41-040] Reference to the Consumer Credit (Queensland) Act 2009 has been removed from the section.

Coronial matters

[50-020] The paragraph “Death investigation and the coroner” has been updated to make clear which health-related procedure deaths are reportable.


The Index, Table of cases and statutes have been bought up to date.