Copyright and disclaimer
Legal information
Copyright and disclaimer
This website contains information, data, documents, pages and images (“the material”) prepared by the Judicial Commission of NSW. The material is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and it is owned by the Judicial Commission of NSW.
The Commission encourages the availability, dissemination and exchange of public information. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with the material for any purpose, on the condition that you include the copyright notice “© Judicial Commission of NSW” on all uses.
You must, however, obtain permission from the Commission if you wish to:
- charge others for access to the work
- include all or part of the work in advertising or a product for sale, or
- modify the work.
Rather than publishing an entire document or publication on another website, we prefer you to make a direct link to this website to ensure that the latest version is always displayed.
This permission does not extend to copyright in the materials on this website that are owned by others (we strongly recommend that you refer to the copyright statements at those sites before making use of the material).
This website contains data or information prepared and collated by the Judicial Commission of NSW. The Commission does not warrant or represent that the data or information contained on the website is free of errors or omissions. The data or information is considered to be true and correct as at the date of publication, however, changes in circumstances after the time of issue of the material may impact upon the accuracy and reliability of the data or information.
The Commission takes no responsibility for, and makes no representation or warranty regarding, the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any data or information provided to the Commission by third parties.
The Commission, its employees, consultants and agents will not be liable (including but not limited to liability by reason of negligence) to persons who rely on the data and information contained in the record for any loss, damage, cost or expense whether direct, indirect consequential or special, incurred by, or arising by reason of, any person using or relying on the record, whether caused by reason of any error, omission or misrepresentation in the record or otherwise.