Publications news

Children’s Court of NSW Resource Handbook Update 19 published

Childrens Court Resource Handbook front cover
5 June 2024

Care and protection matters

Overview at [2-1000]ff has been revised and updated.

Care tree at [2-2000]ff has been revised and updated by Magistrate Hayes.

Important cases have been updated, with new cases included in the following areas:

  • Care and protection at [3-1060]
  • Costs at [3-1180]
  • Jurisdiction at [3-1280]
  • Realistic possibility of restoration at [3-1420].

Criminal matters

Important cases have been updated, with new cases included in the following areas:

  • Appeal at [9-1040]
  • Doli incapax at [9-1140]
  • Exclusion of evidence at [9-1160]
  • Jurisdiction at [9-1220]
  • Sentencing
    • Severity appeal at [9-1340]
    • Community Service Order/Community Correction Order at [9-1350]
  • Youth Koori Court at [9-1380].

Practice and procedure, practice notes, guide and protocols

  • Sentencing Snapshot — Common Offences in the Children's Court updated to cover period October 2019 to September 2023 in Practice and procedure at [11-1000]ff.
  • Bail updated to reflect the insertion of s 22C of the Bail Act 2013 in Guide — criminal jurisdiction at [11-3100]ff.
  • Bail guidelines in Protocols and guidelines at [11-4000]ff updated to reflect amendments made by the Bail and Crimes Amendment Act 2024 to provide for a temporary limitation on granting bail for certain young persons in relation to certain offences from 3 April 2024.

Articles and other resources includes new articles:

Youth Koori Court

Paper by S Duncombe, “NSW Youth Koori Court and Winha-nga-nha list, Dubbo”, included at [15-1000].