Sexual Assault Trials Handbook Update 20 published

Update 20 to the Handbook includes the following new material:

[1-000] Offences — The Offences table has been revised to include new child abuse offences with part commencement of the Criminal Legislation Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Act 2018.

[6-000] Recent sexual assault law has been updated to add Rampe v R [2018] NSWCCA 163 to sentencing and Qiangdong Liu v Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd [2018] NSWCCA 159 to suppression orders.

The following articles have been added:

P Mizzi, “The sentencing reforms — balancing causes and consequences of offending with community safety” (2018) 30 JOB 73

R Blackley & L Bartels — Sentencing and treatment of juvenile sex offenders in Australia